We pride ourselves on our professional, friendly, fun service, with extremely high standards. But, don't just take it from us, check out what some of our clients have had to say.

Jamie, Essex
I used Morganised for my house move and honestly, I don't understand how I ever moved house without them before. Moving day is always so manic and stressful and having someone unpack and organise my kitchen for me just took so much pressure off. My daughter was really apprehensive about our move so it allowed me time to make sure I had her room sorted and ready for her to come home to after school, there is no way I could have done that without Morganised as I would have had to prioritise the kitchen. Aside from that, there is no way I would have unpacked my kitchen as well as she did anyway. We've been in the house a few months now and I haven't moved a single item from where it was unpacked to, it all just makes so much sense and I could never have done that myself. They think about everything in such a practical, logical way and that's hard to do anyway, let alone during the stress of a moving day.
On a personal level, I feel it's important to comment how nice it was to have Ellie around on moving day, she was a very calm and kind presence to have in the house that day and I can safely say that moving day was far more successful for us because she was there. My only regret is that I didn't ask them to do more that day but I've booked them in to declutter and reorganise some other rooms in the house now anyway. Would recommend to anyone.