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Ready, Set, Christmas- our guide to getting ready for Christmas this year

Hey, it’s Lucy…can you believe it is nearly Christmas…again! It seems like literally yesterday I was sat on a beach in Devon militantly applying suncream to the kids and avoiding getting sand in my Mr Whippy! But let’s not beat around the bush, festive sweater weather and pigs in blankets lining the shelves in the supermarkets is my favourite time of year, I am Mrs Christmas in my friendship group and have the yearly battle with my husband about putting the Christmas decorations up in November.

But I get that Christmas can also be a difficult time for many, for some it is a normal working day, for some you are missing someone special around the dinner table, and for some, more than ever at the moment, the financial pressure the holiday period brings is a constant worry. Alongside these added pressures, the media’s presentation of the ‘perfect’ Christmas can be pretty impossible to ignore.

Interestingly, in a recent study carried out by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, it was found that nearly one in four people who say they feel anxious or stressed about Christmas say it’s because they feel pressure to make everyone enjoy it. I personally think this pressure since the covid lockdown and ‘that’ Christmas has amplified this to make up for a year when we were forced into more low-key celebrations. I know I really struggled that year…but I also have friends that embraced it.

Last week I asked my kids what their favourite thing about Christmas was last year, their answers were not what I expected…Lily without hesitation said having a lie in and staying up late and Freddie after some consideration said when the elf painted daddy’s toenails. Their answers did not revolve around the overpriced present I searched three different toy shops for, or the new co-ordinating Christmas Day outfits I bought for us all (yes including the dog) or the jam packed schedule of Christmas attractions we visited in the lead up to the big day.

If you are a follower of Morganised, you will know that we are a fan of underwhelming an overwhelming to-do list, by focusing on your top 3 items as non-negotiables, with everything else being a bonus pat on the back. Whilst I enjoy project managing Christmas in my house (yes there is a spreadsheet), after some reflection, the top 3 focuses for me this year will be…

Clutter-free gifts it is clear to me that experiences are what my family value the most (I guess you could say it’s our Christmas love language?!), so apart from the non-negotiable Santa present and some token stocking fillers, my focus will be to book experiences that the kids can do together, but also with Matt and I. I’m thinking family ski lessons, and maybe a trip to Go Ape or Alton Towers for this year. The theme with my kids is to wear them out as much as possible, they have A LOT of energy!

Whole family approach to Christmas preparation Even though I find it hard, I am going to relinquish control a bit, nothing kills the Christmas vibe more than overwhelmed, overtired and overcaffeinated mummy because I’ve taken on festive preparation and delivery solo. Christmas is enjoyed by the whole family, so the whole family should be involved in the magic creating process. For example, the kids are going to be in charge of making crackers and laying the Christmas Day table this year, Matt is going to be in charge of present wrapping (fun fact: I HATE wrapping presents)!

Noticing the little things…as they are actually the big things I am going to make a real effort to intentionally slow down this year. My life is hectic all year round, running a business, a partner in a big corporate job, a demanding sausage dog and two kids with big dreams, big personalities and big social lives, I need to give myself permission to chill. I know that is ridiculous, I don’t actually need permission, but I do need the reminder. I’m looking forward to embracing, no routine, no bedtimes, eating chocolate for breakfast just because we can, taking a spontaneous drive in our pjs, Harry Potter movie marathons and giving my family some uninterrupted quality time with the obligatory mince pie and mulled wine combo.

And one last thing to leave you with… No one’s Christmas is the same, that’s what makes yours all that more special, no one can replicate it, you do you. There is nothing wrong with capturing and sharing festive memories on social media and you shouldn’t feel bad for doing so.

At morganised, we love Christmas but we love a calm, happy and in control morganiser more. To help with this, we’ve put together a 6 week reminder plan to ensure you can tick off the Christmas to-do list gradually so you can put your feet up and enjoy the festive period without any last minute panics and that feeling of overwhelm. To download the guide of all Christmas guides click here.

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for tips, advice and motivation. Or better yet sign up to become a morganised VIP and gain access to everything we have to offer, delivered straight to your inbox.

If you are interested in our services or booking a consultation then click here or email us at contact@morganised.co.uk

Whatever your decluttering and organising challenge, just remember, we get it and we’ve got your back

Happy Planning

Ellie & Lucy

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